AltWeeklies Wire
Terror Unlike the Usual Terrors: A Report from Mumbainew

Mumbai, India has endured terrorist attacks for decades, but the November assault on the Taj Mahal Hotel stopped the city in its tracks.
Boston Phoenix |
Kathryn Gearhart |
12-03-2008 |
A Field Guide to Chinese Oppressionnew
Though Beijing's enemies are way too numerous to list, consider the following four non-Tibetan religious, ethnic, and intellectual minorities a sort of Olympic qualifying heat. In order to advance Beijing's "Harmonious Society" in preparation for the 2008 Games, members of these groups have been locked up, exiled, or have disappeared altogether. Enjoy the synchronized swimming!
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Matthews |
08-07-2008 |
Tags: China, Olympics, Tibet, journalism, civil liberties, international, Falun Gong, Uighurs, Mongolians
China, Tibet, and the Olympicsnew
Buddhist scholar Robert Thurman explains the Dalai Lama's political wisdom, the myopia of the Chinese, and the essence of the Olympics.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Kadzis |
08-07-2008 |
Mao's Ghost: The Spirit of the Chairman Haunts the Olympicsnew
Americans should ask themselves, is it in our interests that China today holds $1.2 trillion in reserve assets alone, with billions more invested in US financial institutions and other businesses? And while we ponder that question, we should ask ourselves this: is it prudent for the federal government to spend like a drunken sailor with money borrowed from China?
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
08-07-2008 |
Power Outage Powers Outragenew
South African satirist Pieter-Dirk Uys (Elections and Erections) tries to be optimistic about his country's future, but he's afraid he might be whistling in the dark.
Boston Phoenix |
Pieter-Dirk Uys |
04-24-2008 |
Tags: international
What About Tibet?new
The Olympics are a glittering prize that was awarded China as an incentive to better behavior. But seen through the prism of the Tibet crisis, the games are proving to be not a source of strength but a point of vulnerability.
Boston Phoenix |
Editorial |
03-27-2008 |
Tags: Tibet, international
Rebels With a Causenew
Students stand up for the people of Darfur.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
04-27-2006 |
Tags: international
A Middle East Diary: The Gaza Pulloutnew
The withdrawal proves as politically charged as the region’s history.
Boston Phoenix |
Bob Zelnick |
09-08-2005 |
The Anonymous Author of "Imperial Hubris" is Revealednew

The previously unnamed CIA figure who wrote the upcoming negative critique of U.S. politics and the Muslim world says he's more afraid for his job than for his life.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
06-30-2004 |