AltWeeklies Wire
Police-Related Legal Costs Spike in Oaklandnew
The total legal costs for police misconduct was $13.1 million last year, according to OPD records.
East Bay Express |
Ali Winston and Darwin BondGraham |
06-26-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Cop Identified in Kayvan Sabehgi Beating?new

Video and OPD records indicate that the military veteran was savagely beaten on November 2 by Oakland Police Officer Frank Uu, who has since retired from the force.
East Bay Express |
Ali Winston |
04-15-2012 |
Crime & Justice
How California's Prison Population Explodednew

And why the costs of housing inmates skyrocketed at the same time.
East Bay Express |
Joaquin Palomino |
04-10-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Michael Gressett Speaksnew

The longtime prosecutor who no longer face rape charges goes public with his story as he prepares to sue Contra Costa County and the men who put him in jail.
East Bay Express |
John Geluardi |
03-26-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Michael Gressett
Will the Oakland Police Dept. End Up in Receivership?new

A federal judge could begin the process of taking over the police department this month.
East Bay Express |
Ali Winston |
01-27-2012 |
Crime & Justice
The Making of a Police Scandalnew

In a case tinged with race and sex, confidential investigative reports reveal that a small cadre of San Leandro cops ginned up explosive charges against one of their own.
East Bay Express |
Steven Tavares |
11-03-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Deadly Secretsnew

How California law shields a small cadre of Oakland police officers involved in violence.
East Bay Express |
Ali Winston |
10-13-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Why a Curfew in Oakland Is Unnecessarynew

A proposed curfew would target Oakland's teenagers, but state statistics show that youth crime has plummeted in the city since the late-1990s.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
09-28-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: curfew in Oakland, Oakland Curfew
Embarrassing the
An outgoing top prosecutor allegedly ran and hid from a process server and then instigated a violent confrontation.
East Bay Express |
John Geluardi |
08-24-2011 |
Crime & Justice
The Bingo Kingpinnew

When Berkeley concluded that its only major bingo hall was a scam, it apparently didn't realize who was pocketing the proceeds.
East Bay Express |
Anna McCarthy |
02-08-2011 |
Crime & Justice
Is Oakland Now a Safer Place to Break the Law?new

Some graffiti artists say Oakland's cop layoffs have made the city a destination.
East Bay Express |
Ellen Cushing |
12-22-2010 |
Crime & Justice
Imprisoned, Rehabilitated, Unemployednew

Oakland's large population of ex-felons struggle to get jobs. And their only glimmer of hope -- a certificate of rehabilitation -- isn't easy to get.
East Bay Express |
Alexa Vaughn |
10-13-2010 |
Crime & Justice
A Troubled Rape Case in California's Contra Costa Countynew
The high-profile rape charges against Deputy District Attorney Michael Gressett are tainted by questionable facts, unorthodox prosecutorial conduct, and the unmistakable whiff of politics.
East Bay Express |
John Geluardi |
10-29-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Rethinking Juvenile Justice in California's East Baynew

Two local programs offer alternatives to the failing system. One of them transforms teenage offenders into attorneys. The other wants to change our notion of justice.
East Bay Express |
Sam Levin |
07-29-2009 |
Crime & Justice
John Yoo, War Criminal?new

The chances that the notorious UC Berkeley law professor will be investigated for war crimes appear to have increased in recent weeks.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
01-28-2009 |
Crime & Justice