AltWeeklies Wire
Study Suggests Additional Background Checks Deter Gun Deathsnew
Local and state checks can lead to fewer homicides and suicides.
Shepherd Express |
Evan Rytlewski |
06-13-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Racial Disparities Prevail in Wisconsin's Justice Systemnew
New studies from The Sentencing Project, Human Rights Watch, and a governor's commission show the state's justice system treats black and white drug offenders differently.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
05-16-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Milwaukee Courts Ponder How to Increase Minority Participation on Juriesnew
The Milwaukee County Circuit Court has been trying to find ways to increase minority participation on juries so that juries are truly "of one's peers."
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
02-29-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
A Corporate Court at All Costsnew
Expect Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the state's largest and most powerful business lobby,to interfere in another Supreme Court race.
Shepherd Express |
Cory Liebmann |
02-29-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Seeking Justice for Victims of Childhood Abusenew
At 35, those who were victims of sexual assault as a child are barred from having their case heard in civil court in Wisconsin. But a new bill being debated in the state Legislature would remove that age limit -- and also allow those who were currently barred from bringing charges a three-year window of opportunity to do so.
Shepherd Express |
Lisa Kaiser |
01-25-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice