AltWeeklies Wire

Council in American-Islamic Relations Demands Investigation of Todashev Shootingnew

On Wednesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations requested a private investigation of last week's deadly shooting of an Orlando man by an FBI agent who was questioning his connection to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamarlan Tsarnaev.
Orlando Weekly  |  Christopher Balogh  |  05-30-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Cash for (Stolen) Goldnew

How Florida's pawnbroking laws further victimize victims of crime.
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  04-23-2013  |  Crime & Justice

UCF Barely Escapes Tragedynew

If James Seevakumaran’s plans hadn’t been interrupted, Orlando would have been ground zero for the next national tragedy.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffery Billman  |  03-29-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Six Things That Have Barely Changed Since Trayvon Martin's Deathnew

Sanford will soon have a new police chief, but other than that, things are still pretty much the same.
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  03-01-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Shoot First, Cry Laternew

The first of its kind, Florida's shoot first, judge later legislation came to life (or death) in 2005, assuring all responsible owners of guns that they could shoot first and ask questions later without fear of legal reprisal. Now similar laws prevail in 24 states.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  06-14-2012  |  Crime & Justice

'Stand Your Ground'new

It's been three weeks since a Sanford, Fla. vigilante, George Zimmerman, shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin to death, apparently for looking suspicious – and, according to Zimmerman's own words, for being black and wearing a hoodie. What's taking so long for police to arrest Zimmerman?
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  03-19-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Live, Work, Paynew

How an accident pushed one Orlando woman into the intersection of Orlando's professional-incest machine.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  02-23-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Not forgiven, not forgottennew

Thirty years after being falsely convicted of murder, and three years after being exonerated, William Dillon is still seeking justice.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeff Gore  |  08-16-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Budget Problems Have Florida Reconsidering Mandatory Minimumsnew

Despite the fact that some judges complain that mandatory minimums reduce their ability to use discretion in sentencing, making them drones serving the system, the state's mandatory minimums for drug crimes remained unchallenged for more than 30 years. Recently though, the state's budget has cast a light on Florida's prison spending, which has gone up along with its jail population.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeff Gore  |  04-06-2011  |  Crime & Justice

The Orlando Police Beatnew

July 12, 12:54 am: From the incidents-tourism-folks-would-rather-you-didn't-know-about file: A young man a few weeks shy of his 19th birthday was stabbed and killed at an International Drive hotel.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  07-30-2009  |  Crime & Justice

The Orlando Police Beatnew

July 9, 8:24 am: Officer Gibson responded to a "residential burglary overwith," whatever that means, and tells us, "Unknown suspect(s) entered unlocked service door to the garage and removed a purple suitcase and three cases of Coca-Cola."
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  07-24-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Lies & Videotape: The Case Against an Allegedly Abusive Orlando Cop Heads to Trialnew

On April 12, 2007, while working off-duty as a security guard at the now-defunct Club Paris nightclub, Orlando cop Fernando Trinidad pushed a woman down a flight of stairs.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  07-24-2009  |  Crime & Justice

The Orlando Police Beatnew

July 3, 7:44 am: Officer Madden describes an armed robbery suspect as wearing a "camo snow hat." If one wanted effective camouflage in the snow, wouldn't said hat be white?
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffery C. Billman  |  07-16-2009  |  Crime & Justice

The Orlando Police Beatnew

June 16, 8:50 pm: Passed along without comment: "The suspect gained entry to the storage room by kicking open the door. The suspect attempted to remove a leaf blower but was confronted by the complainant and was threatened with an umbrella, at which time the suspect left the leaf blower and fled the area on foot."
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  07-02-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Orlando Police Beatnew

A regular column of commentary on Orlando crimes.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  06-25-2009  |  Crime & Justice

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