AltWeeklies Wire
'Crossing the Waters' Offers a Peek into the Afro-Cuban Religionnew
The book's charismatic protagonist is Santiago Castaneda Vera, a spiritual practitioner who "works" the spirits of the dead and whose sacred oricha is Yemaya, the mother of the waters.
INDY Week |
Sylvia Pfeiffenberger |
04-10-2008 |
Jenna Bush, Compassionate Conservativenew
Any snide suspicions one may harbor about the author's ability or her intentions are quickly swept away upon opening the book. Ana's Story deserves high marks as a dramatic, absorbing and moving read for kids and adults alike.
INDY Week |
Sylvia Pfeiffenberger |
11-08-2007 |
The Life You Savenew
Catherine McCall's memoir recalls a life of sinking and surfacing.
INDY Week |
Sylvia Pfeiffenberger |
08-03-2006 |