AltWeeklies Wire
Every Day Is Like Justice Sundaynew

Nashville houses Justice Sunday II, the second installment in a series of "Save the Court" events designed to get certain segments of evangelical Christians ready for battles over U.S. Supreme Court nominations.
Nashville Scene |
Roger Abramson |
08-17-2005 |
Jesus Is Just All Right with Democrats, Toonew
Many Americans think that Democrats are skeptical of, if not downright hostile to, religion, particularly the Christian variety. Tennessee Democrats are doing something about it.
Nashville Scene |
Roger Abramson |
08-11-2005 |
Vice Folliesnew
Marijuana, poker, sex toys in Alabama: It's time to get our public policy priorities straight and stop prosecuting victimless crimes.
Nashville Scene |
Roger Abramson |
08-03-2005 |