AltWeeklies Wire

Payday Loan Centers Charge Whopping Interest Ratesnew

Payday loan centers have partnerships with out-of-state banks to evade state usury laws, and as a result get away with charging interest rates that can surpass an annual 700 percent.
Dallas Observer  |  Paul Kix  |  09-12-2005  |  Economy

Some Seek Overhaul of Sex Offender Registrynew

Former fans of lifetime registration have changed face due to cases like that of Frank Rodriguez. He faces a lifetime on Texas' sex offender registry for having sex with a 16-year-old -- who is now his wife.
Dallas Observer  |  Paul Kix  |  06-02-2005  |  Crime & Justice

'Capture the Illegal Immigrant' Game Becomes Media Shownew

The Young Conservatives of Texas created a stir when they encouraged other students to catch orange-shirted "illegal immigrants" on the University of North Texas campus.
Dallas Observer  |  Paul Kix  |  02-08-2005  |  Immigration

Legislator Wants to Limit Access to "Morning After" Pillsnew

Frank Corte Jr., a San Antonio Republican, is the author of a bill in the Texas Legislature that would protect the jobs of pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions -- like the "morning after" pill -- on moral grounds.
Dallas Observer  |  Paul Kix and Patrick Williams  |  12-13-2004  |  Sex

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