AltWeeklies Wire
National Archives Offer New Proof of Vietnam War Atrocitiesnew

Hundreds of U.S. military investigative files that were classified for decades but are now available in the National Archives back up the young John Kerry's Senate testimony and put the lie to his critics, including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Incidents of mutilation and torture are cited.
The Village Voice |
Nicholas Turse |
09-21-2004 |
U.S. Has a Tradition of Institutionalized Brutality, Writer Saysnew
Atrocities like the torture and killings of unarmed civilians in Vietnam and the sexual humiliation of prisoners in Abu Ghraib in Iraq are not the mere result of rogue soldiers but stem from what historian Christian Appy identifies as "a doctrine of atrocity."
The Village Voice |
Nicholas Turse |
05-17-2004 |