AltWeeklies Wire
Why Do We Still Have Caucuses?new
Regular voters still don't know how they work.
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
02-12-2008 |
Tags: 2008 presidential election, caucus
Greg Nickels' Quiet Stormnew
Many believe the mayor wants to roll up the city's sidewalks after dinner, but a visit to a smooth-jazz hideaway in West Seattle shows just how wrong that notion is.
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
11-02-2006 |
Aaron Dixon's Radical Pastnew
Seattle's original Black Panther, now running for U.S. Senate, conducts a tour of the streets where he and his brothers held forth against cops.
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
08-02-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
Reality on the Rocksnew
Fighting public drunkeness by banning certain beverages in certain neighborhoods isn't working -- undaunted, City Hall wants to expand restrictions.
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
07-26-2006 |
Bright Man's Burdennew
What will it take for Seattle's black political community to get behind a candidate like Darryl Smith?
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
06-07-2006 |
Doing the Flip-Flop Flip-Flopnew
There are plenty of reasons to loathe Sen. Maria Cantwell, but her pre-war vote isn't one of them.
Seattle Weekly |
Mike Seely |
05-24-2006 |
Tags: war in iraq, 2006elect