AltWeeklies Wire
Who's the Boss of Mara Georges?new
Chicago's top lawyer reports to both the mayor and the City Council -- until they disagree. Then it's clear where her loyalties lie.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
11-12-2007 |
Can Pro Publica Fill the Void Left by Papers Nationwide?new
I won't go on about the strengths of this initiative because they're obvious, but here's what's iffy about it.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
10-29-2007 |
Tags: media
On the Letter of the Lawnew
Watch your step: the nation's courts are in a literal mood.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
10-22-2007 |
Tags: media
The Inanity of the Chicago Sun-Timesnew
Has the new voice of Chicago progressives already lost its way?
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
10-15-2007 |
Tags: media
The Dope and the Dopesnew
Was human growth hormone or the baseball press responsible for Rick Ankiel's fall from grace?
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
10-01-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
The Ethics AdviceLine, a service for journalists created six years ago by the Chicago Headline Club and Loyola University's Center for Ethics has now fielded over 500 calls. Plus: The Chicago Sun-Times takes on the Cubs.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
09-17-2007 |
Tags: media
What the Hedgehog Knowsnew
Former Illinois Governor George Ryan's legacy is complicated -- John Kass and the dailies' editorial boards prefer to keep it simple.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
09-10-2007 |
Tags: media
The Suit Behind the Chicago Reader's Salenew
The old owners of the Reader weren't just out of ideas -- they were facing an ugly lawsuit from one of their own.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
08-27-2007 |
Tags: media
Terms of Concealmentnew

How transparent can a news shop be when it sends off former employees with hush money?
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
08-06-2007 |
Tags: media
The Liberal Progressive Onenew
The Chicago Sun-Times wants to build more of an identity than "not the Tribune."
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
07-23-2007 |
Tags: media
A New Branded Journalism at Northwesternnew
The Medill School of Journalism is retooling the way it teaches the trade, to the dismay of faculty and students.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
07-09-2007 |
Tags: Education
Reading Too Much Into Study Linking Birth Order & IQnew
The original story about the study in the New York Times never once used the word "smart" in any of its forms -- particularly the comparative phrase "smarter than" -- so why did other papers' stories on the study use that very language?
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
07-02-2007 |
Tags: media
What's a Hate Crime?new
When in doubt, consult the hate-crime law.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
06-25-2007 |
Tags: media
Euro Papers Report While Stateside News Orgs Sleepnew
European papers are reporting some troubling research about cell phones that American papers aren't.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
06-19-2007 |
Tags: media
Chicago Sports Weekly's Language Barriernew
They've got money, a gift for selling ads, and a talented editor, but the guys who own the new free paper for Chicago sports fans have never published in English before.
Chicago Reader |
Michael Miner |
06-11-2007 |
Tags: media