AltWeeklies Wire
AWOL GIs Dealt Legal Blownew

The latest court decision in Canada leaves refugee claims of Iraq war refuseniks in doubt.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
05-18-2006 |
GIs Plea for Refugee Statusnew
The Canadian case of U.S. war resisters Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey hinges on war crimes in Iraq.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
02-16-2006 |
Major Tom to Ground Controlnew
Activist Tom Hayden gives Canada's New Democratic Party a strategy to win refuge for U.S. soldiers fleeing service in Iraq.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
04-29-2005 |
Tags: war & peace
A Just Deserternew
Jeremy Hinzman puts alleged U.S. war crimes on trial in Toronto.
NOW Magazine |
Matt Mernagh |
12-21-2004 |
Tags: war & peace