AltWeeklies Wire
Matt Prior's Life is in the Toilet ... Jess Walter Put Him Therenew

Matt Prior is the protagonist of The Financial Lives of the Poets and a complete figment of Walter's imagination. Walter has taken pains to ensure Matt Prior's life is as shitty as a well-educated white American male's can be.
The Inlander |
Luke Baumgarten |
09-10-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
The Sedarisland Diariesnew

Having conquered the writing world by becoming its outsider-humorist-in-chief -- building a name and an identity around his sense of personal alienation -- the only place David Sedaris seems to feel at home is on the road.
The Inlander |
Luke Baumgarten |
06-11-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: David Sedaris, memoirs