AltWeeklies Wire
Healing Wisconsinnew

For those of us who love Wisconsin, this has been a gut-wrenching 16 months. We have seen family members become bitter enemies as they feel forced to choose sides while the state goes through extreme political changes.
Shepherd Express |
Louis Fortis |
06-04-2012 |
Clearing Up Myths About the Stimulus Packagenew
Obama critics advocate the same policies that created this disaster.
Shepherd Express |
Louis Fortis and Lisa Kaiser |
02-06-2009 |
Congressman Paul Ryan's 'Roadmap for America' Is a Dead Endnew

Unlike many in Congress, Ryan at least is putting the energy into laying out a plan. But fresh thinking it is not. Unfortunately, Ryan's road map is the same old far-right-wing agenda that has been promoted by conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and Club for Growth.
Shepherd Express |
Louis Fortis |
06-13-2008 |