AltWeeklies Wire

A Really Bad Billnew

State lawmakers try to victimize kids to feed their homophobia.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  02-22-2008  |  Commentary

Nashville Mayoral Race 2007: Nice Guy Finishes Firstnew

Karl Dean beats Bob Clement in electoral showdown between old and new Nashville.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan and Jeff Woods  |  09-17-2007  |  Politics

Nashville Mayoral Candidate Bob Clement Has Some Rowdy Friendsnew

What do Teamster president Jimmy Neal, an Iraqi arms smuggler, a kooky Indian evangelist who was sued for allegedly defrauding charities and a Tennessee insurance executive being sued for ripping off old people all have in common?
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  09-07-2007  |  Commentary

Advice Priced Right in Nashville's Mayoral Racenew

What would the Queer Eye guys -- and Dick Morris -- tell Clement and Dean?
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  08-24-2007  |  Politics

'40 Days and 40 Nights'new

In Nashville's mayoral race, Bob Clement compares himself to Jesus while Karl Dean plays rope-a-dope.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan and Jeff Woods  |  08-17-2007  |  Politics

Karl Dean for Mayornew

The Nashville Scene endorses Karl Dean for mayor of Nashville and Diane Neighbors for vice mayor -- now go vote.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  07-27-2007  |  Commentary

Somebody Needs to Fall on His Swordnew

So to avoid a Bob Clement administration in Nashville, we'd argue for throwing idealism -- and either candidate Karl Dean or candidate David Briley -- overboard.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  06-29-2007  |  Commentary

Be Very Afraidnew

If ever there were a case to disillusion the public about its state stewards, the case of death row inmate Paul House is it.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  12-15-2006  |  Commentary

Corker Crashes Ford!new

Even discontent with Bush wasn't enough to elect a Ford to the U.S. Senate.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan and Jackson Baker  |  11-08-2006  |  Commentary

Attaboy, Bill!new

Bill Frist is having a good week with the moderates. Does that mean we should forgive him for all the times he's abandoned good, commonsense judgment in favor of political expediency?
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  08-03-2005  |  Commentary

Meet Bill Frist, the New Al Gorenew

Even David Brooks has publicly broken up with the Senate majority leader. Bill, we hardly know ye.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  06-22-2005  |  Commentary

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