AltWeeklies Wire

"Sad Brad Made Glad," "Quitting and Firing," "Fake News"new

AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"Be Very Afraid," "A Valentine to Bill Covington," "Van Hilleary for Senate"new

AltWeeklies Award - Column-Political
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

SAW V: Inside the Scene Officesnew

The Scene's inaugural indie office film.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  02-14-2008  |  Media

Afflict the Afflictednew

When a columnist returns from a cancer fight, what does The Tennessean do?
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  10-01-2007  |  Media

Cutbacks at The Tennesseannew

The daily sees shrinking news hole, a hiring freeze and an end to TV listings in rack copies.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  07-27-2007  |  Media

Nashville's City Paper Readies a Dramatic Website Makeovernew

Gone will be the static, blue-and-white template that readers have grown accustomed to, and in its place will be a new home page that directs readers to top stories, to four blogs and to an e-paper driven by the software Olive Active Paper.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  06-29-2007  |  Media

Who Really Gored Gore?new

Debunking Internet theories -- and why The Tennessean sat on a scoop.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  03-08-2007  |  Media

Ding Dongnew

The shake-up at The Tennessean creates an unsympathetic casualty and leaves newsroom staffers elated.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  10-30-2006  |  Media

A New Paper Chainnew

The Nashville Scene's been bought out, and the new boss doesn't take any crap off anybody.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  10-26-2005  |  Media

A Career Endernew

A TV news reporter quits after reporting as fact a satirical account found in the Nashville Scene.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  10-13-2005  |  Media

The First-in-the-Country Video-Journalist Modelnew

At WKRN-Channel 2 in Nashville, photographers become reporters, reporters become photographers, and a news station becomes the first in the country to turn conventional TV news on its head.
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  08-17-2005  |  Media

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