AltWeeklies Wire

A Lens Through a Lens: A Conversation with Marianne Wigginsnew

Blending historical biography with personal narrative, Wiggins examines how time, distance, memory and desire can alter the truth in her novel The Shadow Catcher.
Weekly Alibi  |  Lisa Lenard-Cook  |  06-24-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones

With Old Friend from Far Away Goldberg returns to what she does best: offering short, sweet, spicy and succinct shots in the arm for the reluctant writer; in this case, the writer of memoirs.
Weekly Alibi  |  Lisa Lenard-Cook  |  03-11-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Leaps for the Common Lifenew

New and recent books from New Mexico poets.
Weekly Alibi  |  Lisa Lenard-Cook  |  01-15-2008  |  Poetry

Twelve Books for Christmasnew

Or Yule, or Kwanzaa, or no reason at all.
Weekly Alibi  |  Lisa Lenard-Cook  |  12-18-2007  |  Books

All About the Journeynew

While you may believe self-realization chronicles aren't your thing, please, read on.
Weekly Alibi  |  Lisa Lenard-Cook  |  02-13-2007  |  Nonfiction

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