AltWeeklies Wire

Think Fair Trade Jewelry for Your Holiday Buyingnew

You’ve probably heard about fair trade coffee, or maybe even fair trade handcrafts or cotton. How about fair trade gems?
Willamette Week  |  Krista Stryker  |  12-05-2007  |  Shopping

Hammerskin Nation Celebrates its 20th Anniversarynew

If you've never heard of Hammerskin Nation, it's fair to say the group coming to Portland this weekend for a three-day music festival is about as racist as they get.
Willamette Week  |  Krista Stryker  |  10-03-2007  |  Race & Class

Rep. Earl Blumenauer's Safe Kingdomnew

Are Democrats angry at Blumenauer over inaction on impeachment? Yes. Are any of them looking to run against him? No.
Willamette Week  |  Krista Stryker  |  09-26-2007  |  Politics

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