AltWeeklies Wire

Wonks and Nerdsnew

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett could teach a couple of Washington politicians a thing or two.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  06-28-2006  |  Commentary

Baby Talkin' Big Brothernew

The Chinese have a new face for the police state.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  04-19-2006  |  Commentary

Purple People Eatersnew

The Democrats cannot gain control of Congress by denigrating the suburbs.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  03-22-2006  |  Commentary

Redneck Renegadenew

Forget Iraq -- country music legend Merle Haggard says it's America that needs freeing.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-25-2005  |  Commentary

Ross Perot in '08new

The candidate's return is unlikely, but his voters will play a major role in the next presidential election.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-16-2005  |  Politics

That Elusive Outragenew

The media are reporting plenty of scandals, but no one seems to care.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  06-15-2005  |  Commentary

Onward, Secular Soldiers!new

America's Christian religious mania is a call to arms for right, left, and center.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  04-27-2005  |  Commentary

The Next Bobby Kennedy

... Could be Bobby Kennedy Jr.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  01-26-2005  |  Commentary

A Guide to Washington Governorsnew

Washington is about to have a new chief executive—call her the Cinderella Governor. This week, she's taking the oath of office; next week, a court order could turn her into a pumpkin. To put things in perspective, here's a summary of each of six previous governors.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  01-12-2005  |  Politics

Gov. Damaged Goodsnew

One thing we know about Washington Gov.-elect Christine Gregoire from her years as state attorney general: She's a fighter. But to succeed as governor, Gregoire will have to be more than just another dogged attorney. For one thing, she's going to have to tell the truth.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  01-05-2005  |  Politics

Rummy, Romanism, and Rebellionnew

Maybe a military coup isn't such a bad idea.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  12-22-2004  |  Commentary

Manchurian Mandatenew

The Republicans are cranking up their brainwashing campaign.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-10-2004  |  Politics

Censorship Begins at Homenew

Proudly incurious, the man in the White House appears to have convinced a slim majority of Americans that strength lies in knowing as little as possible. This is America's greatest "intelligence failure."
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  09-29-2004  |  Commentary

America Wheezingnew

That's the sound of our electoral process, and it's panic inducing.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  09-09-2004  |  Politics

Bland on the Runnew

John Kerry needs to inspire if he wants to beat the Great Miscalculator.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  09-02-2004  |  Politics

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