AltWeeklies Wire

Substance Abusenew

How many licks does it take to get to the center of Seattle's dueling glossies?
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  08-16-2006  |  Media

Divorced From Realitynew

With little practical purpose, marriage is a powerful concept.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  08-02-2006  |  Commentary

Yesterday's Papernew

The King County Journal has lost its way in suburbia.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  07-05-2006  |  Media

Wonks and Nerdsnew

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett could teach a couple of Washington politicians a thing or two.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  06-28-2006  |  Commentary

Seattle's Bold Bioneersnew

Meet the bikers, bus riders, and moochers of a carless Seattle.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  06-07-2006  |  Transportation

Baby Talkin' Big Brothernew

The Chinese have a new face for the police state.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  04-19-2006  |  Commentary

Purple People Eatersnew

The Democrats cannot gain control of Congress by denigrating the suburbs.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  03-22-2006  |  Commentary

The Muhammad Cartoon Warnew

It ain't so funny when fundamentalism is in your face.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  02-08-2006  |  Commentary

Bankruptcy of Spiritnew

If you strip Christmas of its religious and symbolic meaning, you're left with nothing but the emptiness exemplified by the few things you can still talk about, like sales figures and shopping riots. Who would Jesus punch for an Xbox?
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-30-2005  |  Commentary

Redneck Renegadenew

Forget Iraq -- country music legend Merle Haggard says it's America that needs freeing.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-25-2005  |  Commentary

Ross Perot in '08new

The candidate's return is unlikely, but his voters will play a major role in the next presidential election.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  11-16-2005  |  Politics

Alternate Realitiesnew

The matriarch alternative weekly of Seattle and the patriarch of Phoenix meet again.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  10-26-2005  |  Media

A Fair Questionnew

The Expo in Japan makes one wonder if sustainability is sustainable.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  10-05-2005  |  Commentary

Duck and Cover-Upnew

Sitting atop a major fault and in the shadow of an active volcano, Seattle should be paying very close attention to the catastrophe in New Orleans. The message for us is very simple: If the Big One comes, we're screwed.
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  09-05-2005  |  Disasters

Back to Schoolnew

Bill Gates advocates better science education, yet the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major contributor to the Discovery Institute, which promotes the notion of "intelligent design."
Seattle Weekly  |  Knute Berger  |  08-31-2005  |  Commentary

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