AltWeeklies Wire

Gluten-Free Goodiesnew

What is this gluten-free diet that everyone is talking about? It isn't the latest fad diet or a weight-loss secret. Gluten is a protein found in some grains, such as wheat, barley and rye. Some doctors recommend that patients with celiac disease (an immune-system disorder in which the body has an intestinal reaction to gluten) avoid oats as well.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kelly Bryan Smith  |  04-25-2014  |  Food+Drink

De-picky-fying Kidsnew

Include the whole family in planning for healthy meals.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kelly Bryan Smith  |  08-09-2013  |  Food+Drink

Going Green, Smoothie Stylenew

Green smoothies are a great way to get more vitamins and nutrients into anyone’s diet.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kelly Bryan Smith  |  03-08-2013  |  Food+Drink

Giving Thanks for the Cheap and Eco-Friendlynew

It is hard enough to stick to a budget and also make environmentally responsible choices on a normal week. How on Earth can we all manage it during the holiday season? Actually, it is easier than you might think if you follow a few simple guidelines.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kelly Bryan Smith  |  11-25-2008  |  Food+Drink

Got Organic?new

Millions of dairy cows live in small pens on conventional factory farms with little or no access to grass and fresh air. Dairy farmers pump the cows with growth hormones that cause them to produce 10 times as much milk as Mother Nature intended.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kelly Bryan Smith  |  04-21-2008  |  Food+Drink

Hail To The Pumpkinnew

During the holidays, treat your sweet tooth with pumpkin gingerbread and pumpkin cheesecake. Pumpkin is low in calories, and high in potassium, beta carotene, iron, fiber, and vitamins C and E. Choose low-fat and low-sugar ingredients to lighten these recipes, and choose local and organic ingredients when you can.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kelly Bryan Smith  |  12-27-2007  |  Food+Drink

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