AltWeeklies Wire

With 'Fantasies,' Metric Has Assumed Control of its Own Destinynew

Without by-the-book label executives to answer to, or an out-of-touch A&R department breathing down its back, Metric revelled in the opportunity to be more daring in its musical choices this time around.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  07-27-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Gojira's Metal Machines Are Not in It for the Groupiesnew

A marvel of extreme audio decimation and technical precision, Gojira's fourth studio release pummels listeners with a gnarly mix of death, progressive, and thrash metal.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  05-18-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Old-Growth Roots Give Red Cedar Inspirationnew

Born from the ashes of the psychedelic-tinged project Sister Ray, Red Cedar boasts some of Vancouver's most dedicated musicians. While the group's name is not yet a mainstay on the tattered show posters plastered around town, the quintet has been working at a feverish pace since forming last March.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  03-23-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Times New Viking Leads a Lo-Fi Indie Resurgencenew

The drummer and vocalist for Times New Viking realized early on in his studies that regimented lectures in art history and brush-stroke fundamentals weren't going to satisfy his creative impulses. So Adam Elliott did what disillusioned students do best -- he dropped out.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  11-24-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Uh Huh Her Unapologetically Polishes its Actnew

Had duo Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey given the prospect of fame serious consideration when forming Uh Huh Her, they would have picked a more original name for their electro-pop outfit.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  11-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Eagles of Death Metal Strives for Greatnessnew

With celebrity political endorsements as commonplace these days as stacked Marshall amps at hard rock shows, it's refreshing to hear Eagles of Death Metal front man Jesse "Boots Electric" Hughes's take on mixing between-songs banter with presidential proclamations.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  11-04-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

HorrorPops Offer More Than Psychobilly Stylenew

Chatting to the charismatic singer and upright bassist about the tattooed trio's upcoming tour in support of its new record, Kiss Kiss Kill Kill, it becomes apparent that mile-long, jet-black lashes and a heavy Scandinavian accent go a long way toward making mundane political factoids seem enthralling.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Charlesworth  |  10-03-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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