AltWeeklies Wire

The Constitutional Crises of 2006new

Given that Bush and his cabal have predicted that their War on Terror may last up to 100 years, the president is actually claiming that the rule of law need not apply for several generations.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  01-04-2006  |  Commentary

Heroism With a Differencenew

America's right-wing echo chamber has been having a field day with recent kidnappings in Iraq -- sneering that the peace activists had it coming and were foolhardy idiots. But they had every business being there.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  12-15-2005  |  Commentary

When Presidents Lienew

In modern times, this is what presidents do, Democrats as well as Republicans. The bigger the stakes, the bigger the lies, and there are no bigger stakes than war. They lie to Congress, they lie to the American public, they lie to the world. Why are we surprised?
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  11-30-2005  |  Commentary

Stopping Samuel Alitonew

Senate Democrats were nearly evenly split on the confirmation of John Roberts; with a fractured opposition, he sailed through his confirmation vote. There should be no such ambivalence about Samuel Alito.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  11-16-2005  |  Politics

They Protest Too Muchnew

The anti-war movement needs to focus the message if it wants to attract the mainstream.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  10-05-2005  |  Commentary

Borking John Robertsnew

The battering of this guy does nothing but cost Democrats and activist groups like precious credibility.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  09-07-2005  |  Politics

We've Got the Wrong Guynew

It's fun to imagine Karl Rove in handcuffs. But in all likelihood, Rove did not do what he is accused of. Somebody else did.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  07-20-2005  |  Commentary

The Few, the Recruitsnew

In the finest tradition of the free market, if the youth of America don't want to fight a war, and if their parents don't think it's a cause worth risking their children's lives for, don't resort to tricking them into it.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  06-15-2005  |  Commentary

Memo to Mainstream Medianew

A media critic has a three-word response to the frenzy that followed revelation of the long-secret identity of Deep Throat: Downing Street Memo.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  06-08-2005  |  Media

Bolton: Right Result, Wrong Reasonsnew

John Bolton is a national liability, and that -- not his record as an employer -- is why Republicans as well as Democrats should vote down his nomination to be ambassador to the United Nations.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  05-18-2005  |  Commentary

Al Franken's Sensenew

The comedian, author, and talk-show host discusses Rush Limbaugh's butt and explains how Seattle money saved Air America.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  05-04-2005  |  Media

Without DeLaynew

After more than a decade of corruption, hardball tactics, and sleaze, Tom DeLay is on his way out as a Republican base of power in the House of Representatives. Don't celebrate yet.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  04-27-2005  |  Commentary

Obscenely Stupidnew

The unworthiness of a media outlet shouldn't hinge simply on whether a naughty word was uttered when the FCC was listening.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  04-06-2005  |  Media

The Antiwar Credibility Gapnew

Rather than being reflexively antimilitary, antiwar activists should learn to understand and embrace why this war is bad from the perspective of the men and women fighting it.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  03-23-2005  |  War

The Man Who Invented Ecotopianew

Geov Parrish interviews Ecotopia author Ernest Callenbach on the 30th anniversary of his futuristic novel about Pacific Northwest secession. The book portrayed how a modern society could be restructured around environmental principles, and it became a road map for future ecologically aware development.
Seattle Weekly  |  Geov Parrish  |  03-23-2005  |  Policy Issues

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