AltWeeklies Wire

In the Yearning for Zion Case, Fear & Prejudice is Trumping Rule of Lawnew

Texas' argument all along has essentially been that because YFZ's residents have not been forthcoming about their familial relationships and identities, this case is really, really hard, and the court needs to overlook some of the judicial safeguards that protect conventional and weird families alike who aren't doing anything illegal.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  05-28-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Texas' Law of Parties Remains Controversialnew

The law is responsible for Kenneth Foster, the driver but not the shooter in a murder, who is scheduled for execution on Aug. 30.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  08-29-2007  |  Crime & Justice

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