AltWeeklies Wire
Killing Me Loudlynew
The producer of Monster's Ball makes his directing debut with a garish, heavy-breathing neo-noir.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
07-19-2006 |
Tags: Lee Daniels, Shadowboxer
The Break-Upnew
Vivid performances animate a dead marriage in Chereau's explosive chamber piece.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
07-12-2006 |
Tags: Gabrielle, Patrice Chereau
Third Degreenew
The X-Men survive explosions, a threat to mutant rights, and Brett Ratner.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
05-24-2006 |
Harried ... With Childrennew
Suburban kids and parents fail to act their age in Cuesta's second feature.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
05-17-2006 |
Tags: Michael Cuesta, Twelve and Holding
A Flight to Remembernew
Paul Greengrass's visceral cine-memorial stakes its claim to authenticity.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
04-19-2006 |
Romancing the Stonenew
This London-set sequel to the erotic trash classic is all talk and very little action.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
04-05-2006 |
Huckabees Is Film Critic's Top Choicenew
I (Heart) Huckabees, David O. Russell's blithely profound mishmash of screwball Sartre and zany Zen, tops Dennis Lim's list. He calls it "a furiously depressed howl of liberal-left impotence that somehow lands on a grace note of provisional optimism."
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
12-29-2004 |