AltWeeklies Wire

"The Material Curl," "Tommy Pitches a Tent," "Is No MySpace Sacred?"new

AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Texas HB 2391: The Stoner's Summarynew

On Sept. 1, a new Texas law will go into effect that says if a cop catches you with your stash -- assuming you're not dumb enough to cruise around with more than four ounces on your person -- they can issue you a citation instead of hauling your ass downtown.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  08-08-2007  |  Drugs

Talking Human Rights With Jorge Bustamantenew

The UN investigator has been blocked from U.S. immigration detention centers.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  05-30-2007  |  Immigration

Undocumented Immigrants, Unlicensed Prisonnew

Homeland Security's family-detention center bends the law and escapes scrutiny.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  05-23-2007  |  Immigration

Public Access' Public Axisnew

Now that the City Council has approved the testing of AT&T's U-Verse, it's a waiting game for public-access producers, and in the meantime they're gearing up for a battle.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-25-2007  |  Media

Go With the (Free) Flownew

The Free Flow of Info Act: Keeping journalists off the witness stand (and protecting anonymous sources).
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-18-2007  |  Media

Cutting Death-Row Inmates Offnew

As if they weren't already isolated enough: Activists allege that Texas Department of Criminal Justice employees are applying death-row mail and visitation policies arbitrarily, and in some cases, using the rules as a form of punishment.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  04-12-2007  |  Crime & Justice

A Nasty Case of Deja Vunew

The search warrant was illegal and the DNA test flawed -- now Theodore Streater is going to trial without an attorney.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  02-21-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Bread Between the Linesnew

A Trans-Texas Corridor profiteer is buying up community newspapers along the proposed superhighway.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  02-07-2007  |  Media

Surge Protectorsnew

Anti-war demonstrators are putting their boots on the ground, so soldiers won't be forced to do the same in Iraq.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  01-24-2007  |  War

Injections & Ice Stormsnew

Even an Act of God couldn't postpone Johnathan Moore's execution.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  01-24-2007  |  Crime & Justice


The political spin is that increased tobacco taxes will discourage smoking, but that doesn't seem to agree with financial estimates from the Texas Comptroller's office.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  12-20-2006  |  Policy Issues

Do Not Adjust Your Pantallanew

Hispanic audiences are no longer in the Outer Limits of the mediasphere.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  12-07-2006  |  Media

Nursing a Movementnew

Handing over the keys to the Democrats means issues like universal health care stand a chance.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  11-29-2006  |  Science


So you want to be a gang-buster? Know the basics before you interview for Bexar County's most dangerous new job opening.
San Antonio Current  |  Dave Maass  |  11-08-2006  |  Crime & Justice

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