AltWeeklies Wire

"Stirring the Other LA," "Can't We All Calm Down," "Shades of Brown"new

AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

What's Behind Janet Clayton's Departure from the L.A. Times?new

Was it Jim O'Shea's job offer, or is former top editor John Carroll to blame?
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  09-17-2007  |  Media

Lost in Tijuana: A Mother's Search for a Deported Sonnew

After serving about 20 days of a 120-day jail sentence for vandalism and car theft, Pedro Guzman was transferred to the ICE detention center, where he signed a "voluntary deportation order," claiming Mexican citizenship -- but Guzman is an American citizen, born in L.A.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  07-20-2007  |  Immigration

Trouble at the L.A. Timesnew

An editor kills a Page One story on Armenian genocide, and charges of bias fly.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  04-27-2007  |  Media

Mexican American Princes: Mas Suave!new

They're handsome, charming and so good to their mothers -- they're Mexican American Princes, and they rule Los Angeles.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  04-13-2007  |  Race & Class

Shades of Brownnew

The L.A. Times has a Latino problem.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  12-22-2006  |  Media

Immigration Ritesnew

The real aliens are in Congress.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  09-21-2006  |  Immigration

The Hope of Elvira Arellanonew

Remember the immigrant-rights movement?
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  08-24-2006  |  Immigration

Down and Delirious in Mexico Citynew

At the fringes of the political clash that held the world's attention in early July, a mega-city lives on, slouching toward modernity and globalization.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  08-17-2006  |  International

Compton's Crash Coursenew

We connect the doubts about the failure of a community college.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  06-29-2006  |  Education

Fallow Dreamsnew

Empty talk doomed LA's most noteworthy garden plot.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  06-15-2006  |  Housing & Development

Marching Ordersnew

The president speaks, and the immigration fight is far from over.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  05-18-2006  |  Immigration

A Day of Powernew

Can Congress pick up the vibe of the immigration-rights movement?
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  05-04-2006  |  Immigration

What Adults Don't Getnew

Anyone who's actually been listening to students talk about the walkouts -- instead of the media talk about them -- will find that the marchers mostly organized themselves, and did so with a clear sense of purpose and an awareness of broader issues.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  04-06-2006  |  Immigration

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