AltWeeklies Wire
Future Islands' Roots Run Back to North Carolinanew

Since an appearance on David Letterman, the band’s rise has been meteoric.
Tags: Future Islands
Can Kickstarter Stick Around?new

Is crowd funding destined to hit critical mass and implode, or will the crowdsourcing model enter and sustain itself within the larger cultural dialogue?
Some Army's Second EPnew

Within a modest 29 minutes, this six-strong Carrboro outfit synthesizes shoegaze and indie-pop sounds; despite their far-flung touchstones, these songs still feel distinctly Southern in execution. (self-released)
Tags: Some Army
Why Girl Talk's Unlikely Career is a Big Dealnew

Gregg Gillis is doing something traditionalists angrily claim isn't music—and then making a living off of it, all without charging for his records.
No Eyes' No Eyesnew

No Eyes' self-titled EP is like a Texas psych-rockin' longhair in the midst of getting his mop snipped into a neat London bowl, but some loose ends still await their trim.
The ExMonkeys' Use Your Toolsnew

The body rock is strong on Use Your Tools. Yes, this is bass worth thumping; The ExMonkeys' percussive physicality translates nicely to headphones and car stereos.
Tags: The ExMonkeys

With the addition of vocalist Lesley Pond, Raleigh's Monoslang slides from pop-structured post-rock into trip-hop territory.
Tags: Monoslang
After a Series of Strokes and Surgeries, Reese McHenry Survives and Bloomsnew

"Seems to me that she had a lot of energy building up while she was sick and was just not physically able to do all the things her spirit wanted to do. Now that she's better, all that kinetic energy is being released and she's super creative." — Spider Bags' Dan McGee
INDY Week |
Corbie Hill |
12-08-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Reese McHenry
Nine Fingered Thug's Women Are Magicnew

Nine Fingered Thug's debut cassette isn't just rough around the edges; it's rough to the core. (Hollow Bunny)
Tags: Nine Fingered Thug
Systems' Ghost Medicinenew
At the core of Systems' brilliance, at least on the Carrboro band's debut, is the band's ability to navigate the uneven line between thrash and post-rock.
Tags: Systems
Essential Listening at this Weekend's Shakori Hills GrassRoots Festivalnew

Bela Fleck & the Flecktones, Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, Des Ark, The Tender Fruit, Leyla McCalla, Sidi Toure, Sandbox, Peter Lamb & the Wolves
Troika Music Festival calls it quits after 10 yearsnew

"I'm fairly confident something will jump up in its place in the not-too-distant future," Chaz Martenstein says.
Tags: Troika Music Festival
Bitter Resolve's Misfits March Forwardnew

The monolithic riffs and malevolent rhythms of Bitter Resolve's proto-metal suggest the sort of bros who would bludgeon Chapel Hill's stereotypical indie rocker in the back alley behind Local 506 just for fun. But that would be missing the message.
INDY Week |
Corbie Hill |
06-29-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Bitter Resolve
Pink Flag's King of Scenenew

The Durham punk rock trio's latest EP aims for something more nuanced than thrashing, screeching rebellion -- properly, post-punk angularity.
Tags: Pink Flag