AltWeeklies Wire

Blackface vs. Black Faces: It's the claim of authenticity that's truly offensivenew

It isn't the act of painting the hands and face black that's offensive and harmful. It's the claim of authenticity that goes along with that act, the assumption that something real and true is being represented when someone darkens his face, paints on a huge red mouth, and shucks and jives on a stage. So Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer is offensive, as is C. Thomas Howell in Soul Man. But so is Samuel L. Jackson in Black Snake Moan, Terence Howard in Hustle & Flow, and 50 Cent on any given day.
Charleston City Paper  |  Conseula Francis  |  08-20-2008  |  Reviews

Boys Don't Crynew

Why the best romantic comedies aren't about women.
Charleston City Paper  |  Conseula Francis  |  01-23-2008  |  Reviews

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