AltWeeklies Wire

Dr. Oliver Sacks on 'Musicophilia'new

Sacks' latest book tackles our intimate mental connection to all things musical. It dallies in the minds of inspired amnesiacs and melodious Alzheimer's patients in an effort to explain just what it is about music that can move us so profoundly.
Willamette Week  |  Claire Evans  |  10-17-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Real Open Sourcerynew

As Portland gears up for two mega techie conferences, we take a look at the city's own open source wizards.
Willamette Week  |  Claire Evans  |  07-18-2007  |  Tech

Portland Dot Com and Japanese Video Game Unitenew

The only people licensed to make Katamari Damacy T-shirts are the 10 employees of a Portland-based Mac software company.
Willamette Week  |  Claire Evans  |  05-23-2007  |  Video Games

How 'Sassy' Changed My Lifenew

Two writers pen a mash note to the mag that made them the women they are now.
Willamette Week  |  Claire Evans  |  05-16-2007  |  Nonfiction

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