AltWeeklies Wire
New Plays in Memphis Owe Gratitude to Artist/Educator Gloria Baxternew
Tennessee Williams may have found his calling after poring over the works of Anton Chekhov at the Rhodes College library, but Memphis, Tennessee, the home of the blues and birthplace of rock-and-roll, has never been known as a breeding ground for interesting new playwrights.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
03-27-2010 |
New Ballet Ensemble Brings Dance to a Diverse Cross-section of Memphis Youthnew
Katie Smythe has delicate features that belie her toughness as an instructor. "We're only supposed to rehearse until 5 p.m. today," she says. "It's already after 4 p.m. and everybody's tired and looking a little pale. Before we do anything else, I think we all need to do an African warm-up."
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
12-11-2009 |
Spring has Sprung for Memphis Foodiesnew
Farmers markets are opening early, plus a calendar of outdoor events.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis and Susan Ellis |
04-11-2008 |
Redneck Olympicsnew
The Redneck Olympics, which gets under way on Saturday in Memphis, features such redneck contests as bobbing for pigs' feet and the popular mud-pit belly-flop.
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
08-31-2007 |
Tags: recreation
Lords of the Wrestling Ringnew
Hulk Hogan will not be fighting Jerry Lawler in Memphis -- or will he?
The Memphis Flyer |
Chris Davis |
04-24-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness