AltWeeklies Wire
A Girl's Best Friend Is Her Yogurtnew
"Just turn on your TV," says Current TV commentator Sarah Haskins. "Day and night — but mostly day, unless you’re watching Lifetime — there’s gonna be some ladies just chilling out, eating some yogurt, and appealing to our inner woman, to get us to do it too."
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
03-27-2009 |
The War on Women
Azar Nafisi Meets Her Strangernew
Nafisi looks backward down the road of her life with an enormous set of binoculars, and attempts to zoom in on everything there — four generations of a family, over the course of a century, in a culturally and politically fluxing country — with great candidness, and generous attention to detail.
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
01-22-2009 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Need an Answer? Ask ChaChanew
Online truth-seekers are discovering some very old-school options to Google searches — services such as Cha-Cha, where real people get your answers for you.
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
09-04-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Blogging the Baby-Sitters Clubnew

Aging children blog the series because they still care what Claudia is wearing.
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
04-24-2008 |
Synonymous with Pretensenew
Peter Roget never intended his thesaurus to be the verbal equivalent of a fast-food drive-thru for people who want to sound more intellectual (sage, academic).
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
03-20-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Online Cameraderienew
The web has always been a playground for voyeurs and a landing pad for found items. Now there's a site that re-united orphan photographs with their owners.
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
03-06-2008 |
Tags: media
Just for Him or Hernew
Personalized gifts they have to keep.
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
12-11-2007 |
Tags: shopping
Secret Agent Mannew
Frank Warren's PostSecret blog is dedicated to the awful truth that "we all have a secret that would break your heart if you knew what it was."
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
10-25-2007 |
Crank That, Techienew
Last week, a dozen MIT grad students and profs gathered outside Building 54 and did Soulja Boy's Superman dance. "This will single-handedly transform the coolness factor for MIT," said one observer.
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
10-11-2007 |
Tags: dance