AltWeeklies Wire
Hip Hop-portunity: A Pittsburgh Film Festival Gives Hip-Hop Its Duenew
Hip-hop was once about public access to the creative cultural expressions of the city, but that element has become increasingly less accessible to the public. Nowhere is that truer than in independent hip-hop documentaries and narrative films.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Brentin Mock |
11-18-2005 |
Tags: Hip Hop Film Festival
Pimpin' Ain't Easynew
Forget trying to knock the hustle, because you can't. And please resist the Rocky comparisons, because it's not. More like Purple Rain, this humid film about the blood-work of a ghetto pimp's comeuppance could use a little drizzle.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Brentin Mock |
07-21-2005 |
Tags: Craig Brewer, Hustle & Flow