AltWeeklies Wire
In His Memoir, Jimmy Creech Recounts His Struggles Against Anti-Gay Religious Discriminationnew
Adam's Gift is about the tumultuous years in his life when, as a Methodist pastor, he was called in the words of the subtitle "to defy the church's persecution of lesbians and gays."
Elizabeth Edwards: She Was One Of Usnew
The day after she died, someone posted a newspaper article about Elizabeth Edwards on a progressive political blog and added this one-sentence introduction: "When all is said and done," it read, "she was one of us."
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
12-15-2010 |
Tags: Elizabeth Edwards
Wake County Goes to Hellnew
Del Burns' abrupt resignation as Wake County's superintendent of schools made things clear: The county is in crisis. The Wake school system, lauded as among the best in the nation, is in mortal danger from the newly elected school board majority and its right-wing backers.
Wake Commission Nixes Abortion Coverage for County Employeesnew
The News & Observer is reporting that Wake County Manager David Cooke changed the policy Wednesday and that elective abortions are no longer covered. The county's self-insurance plan, The N&O reported, will pay for abortions in cases of incest, rape or danger to the life of the mother.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
02-12-2010 |
Policy Issues
Rich Kid, Poor Kid: Diversity Takes a Backseat in Wake Schoolsnew
If adopted, Wake County Board of Education member John Tedesco's plan would replace the current fluid system of school assignment zones and magnet schools with fixed community boundaries that would be, in all but name, separate districts in a fractured county.
The Wake School Board's Conservative Bloc Grabs Powernew
Three days after their tumultuous debut on the Wake County Board of Education, the four newly elected members were briefed by the board's attorney on local meeting protocols and requirements of the state's Open Public Meetings Law.
Tags: school board, politics
For a Bogeyman, ACORN Sure is Smallnew
What's missing from the news media's ACORN stories is any sense of perspective or proportion. In North Carolina, the organization employs eight people, and it operates on a annual budget of between $400,000 and $450,000.
U.S. Rep. Brad Miller Stumps for Health Care Reformnew
While opponents took to the streets to attack the specter of socialism and the possibility that big government could deny them critical care, reform's defenders, including Miller, tried to focus public attention on the denials of care that private insurers are getting away with right now.
In Raleigh, Muslims View FBI with Fear, Mistrustnew
Three days after FBI officials attended an open house at the Islamic Center in Raleigh, the feds arrested seven local Muslims on terrorism charges.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
08-06-2009 |
Crime & Justice
Why the Health Care Lobby Opposes the Public Optionnew
As a caravan rolled to Washington, Health Care for America Now's message about the incredibly complicated legislation had been reduced to one simple message: Whatever emerged, the bill must contain the strong public insurance option that Obama proposed -- and the private insurers, in league with the Republicans, were trying to kill.
North Carolina GOP Still Caters to its Bible Base, Alienating Moderatesnew
The party's recent convention showed clearly that rather than reach out to attract more moderates, the Republicans are intent instead on solidifying their conservative base. The "liberal media," warned outgoing party chair Linda Daves, hitting a popular theme, "is trying to brainwash us" into being ashamed of America and abandoning basic Republican principles.
N.C. Gov.'s Budget Balancing: So far, Not So Badnew
Gov. Bev Perdue's austerity budget proposal, unveiled last week, earned an overall thumbs-up from the N.C. Justice Center, the progressive think tank in Raleigh that monitors such matters.
A Proposed Law Could Widen the Gap Between Business and Labornew
The proposed Employee Free Choice Act would ease the rules for union organizing. With just 3.5 percent of its workers paying union dues, North Carolina is the least unionized state in the nation and in the crosshairs of the EFCA debate.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
03-05-2009 |
Business & Labor
Lincoln's Banking Crisis and Obama'snew
The parallels between Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln are many, but is there anything in the Lincoln lore to help Obama cope with the raging financial crisis and global economic meltdown he's facing as he takes office? Absolutely there is.
Mass Transit Funding: A Tin Cup for Steel Railsnew
The massive economic stimulus package now being fashioned in Washington is expected to include billions of dollars for mass transit and intercity rail projects. But because of decisions made during the Bush administration, North Carolina's Triangle stands to receive little or none of it, the region's transportation leaders say.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
01-22-2009 |
Tags: North Carolina, transportation