AltWeeklies Wire
'That Old Cape Magic' is Incrementally Less Magical Than Richard Russo's Previous Worknew
Cape Magic lacks the expansive, roomy quality of Russo's best work, but his trademark warmth makes it a worthwhile read all the same -- after all, it's only 261 pages.
The Portland Mercury |
Allison Hallett |
08-20-2009 |
Old People Are Worthwhile! (Well, At Least They Are in 'O'Horten')new
O'Horten sets out to disprove an equation that young folk calculate each time we see an old person eating a tuna melt by themselves, paying bus fare in nickels, or filling a shopping basket with single serving soup cans and cat food: elderly + alone = depressing.
The Portland Mercury |
Allison Hallett |
06-19-2009 |
Dame Darcy Plays with Her Dolls in 'Gasoline'new
Gasoline is essentially an illustrated novel: Drawings accompany the text, but they're not integral to the story, pushing Dame Darcy's prose into the spotlight in a way that Meatcake does not -- and unfortunately, the writing simply isn't sophisticated enough to take center stage.
The Portland Mercury |
Allison Hallett |
12-19-2008 |
God is Deadnew
Just kidding. He's fine. But in a predictably spineless move, all direct references to religion have been dropped from The Golden Compass.
The Portland Mercury |
Allison Hallett |
12-06-2007 |
Tags: Chris Weitz, The Golden Compass