AAN News
New Times Dominates John Bartlow Martin Awardsnew

Two New Times investigative
series were selected as winners in
the 2002 John Bartlow Martin Awards,
sponsored by Northwestern's Medill
School of Journalism. First place went to
"Fallout," a look at the U.S. Navy's
radioactive legacy in the Bay Area by
SF Weekly's
Lisa Davis. Phoenix New Times staff
writer Amy Silverman captured
place for her special series "Slammed,"
which exposed abuses in Arizona's
juvenile justice system.
Sandwiched between them was
Katherine Boo, former managing editor of
Washington City Paper, for her story in
The New Yorker on welfare
Medill School of Journalism |
04-25-2002 1:17 pm |
Industry News
"Fallout" Takes Another Awardnew
Lisa Davis' "Fallout" series, which won a George Polk Award a few weeks ago, wins a 2002 IRE Award for investigative journalism. Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. honors Davis and John Mecklin of the SF Weekly for “Fallout,”
which reveals "how a Bayfront property about to be turned
over to the city by the Navy may be far more contaminated
with radioactive waste than current cleanup plans
acknowledge." Other AAN members Phoenix New Times and New Times Los Angeles were the two finalists in the local circulation weekly division, giving New Times a lock on the division.
Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. |
03-15-2002 2:19 pm |
Industry News
SF Weekly Reporter Wins George Polk Awardnew

Lisa Davis joins writers from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The New Yorker
in winning a prestigious George Polk Award. Her two-part series, "Fallout", which won in the environmental reporting category, exposed mishandled radioactive waste at the San Francisco Naval Shipyard at Hunter's Point.
Associated Press |
02-20-2002 2:31 pm |
Industry News