AAN News
Pasadena Weekly Editor Mourns 'A Death in the Family'new
Noting that Los Angeles CityBeat was "pretty much birthed here in the offices of the Pasadena Weekly," Kevin Uhrich looks back at the life of his Southland Publishing sister paper, which folded last week. He also asks the obvious question: Could the same fate befall the Weekly? "I don't think so," he writes. "However, I can say with some certainty -- just by virtue of being on staff with one of the few papers still upright on a rapidly diminishing print media landscape -- that if that day ever comes, there will probably be no newspapers around anymore to note our passing."
Pasadena Weekly |
04-03-2009 9:31 am |
Industry News
Pasadena Weekly Editor Reaches 500-Issue Marknew
Pasadena Weekly |
05-04-2006 11:00 am |
Industry News
AAN Papers Cover Iraq War's Psychological Impact on Veterans

This week, almost two dozen Association of Alternative Newsweeklies member papers published "Soldier's Heart," an article by freelance reporter Dan Frosch that casts a critical eye on the Department of Veterans Affairs' ability to properly treat Iraq War veterans with serious psychological problems. The article will appear in more than 40 AAN papers in coming weeks. Many of the participating weeklies will supplement the article -- AAN's latest collaborative story project -- with additional reporting to reflect the issue's regional and local impact. The collective stories can be found in a dedicated section of AltWeeklies.com.
Ryan Learmouth |
12-16-2004 12:47 pm |
Industry News