AAN News

The Other Paper, Cleveland's Scene Honored by City Press Clubnew

The Other Paper in Columbus was named Best Non-Daily Newspaper in Ohio. Cleveland's Scene also fared well, claiming first in two features categories.
The Press Club of Cleveland  |  06-14-2011  12:11 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

Cleveland Scene Clubs Editor Publishes His First Book

Continuum Books has published D.X. Ferris' book, 33 1/3: Reign in Blood, which examines the classic heavy metal record by Slayer. It is part of Continuum's 33 1/3 series, a growing collection of volumes about and inspired by classic albums. "Writing the book, I had two goals in mind," Ferris says. "First, I didn’t want to be the guy who screwed up a Slayer book. Second, I wanted present the story in a way that's compelling to both rabid Slayer fans and to NPR listeners who love pop music, but have never lost a shoe in a mosh pit." (FULL STORY)
Continuum Publishing Press Release  |  06-13-2008  9:18 am  |  Press Releases

Cleveland Scene Staffer Tapped to Write Booknew

D.X. Ferris will author one of the first of the popular 33 1/3 books on heavy metal, according to a press release. The book series "documents some of the most important albums ever made," and Ferris will turn his attention to Slayer with 33 1/3: Reign in Blood. For the book, which is due out in Spring 2008, he's turning to like-minded Slayer fans for their input, via MySpace. "This is a cool project, and your questions will make it better," says Ferris. "And that way, in a few months, once you've dropped a few bucks on the thing, you won't put it down and think, 'I wish he would have written about this, that, and the other thing.'"
Continuum Books Press Release, via Roadrunner Records  |  07-17-2007  8:22 am  |  Industry News
