AAN News
Voice Media Group Re-Launches City Apps and Debuts Pictureshow App
Essential city guides in 11 markets coast to coast get major refresh. Cinematic Pictureshow App curates professional photos from each of the local publications.
VMG Press Release |
02-25-2013 11:00 am |
Press Releases
Tags: Voice Media Group
Legal Corner: Defending Free Speech Through Anti-SLAPP Laws
AAN joins amicus brief to U.S. Court of Appeals stressing the importance of Anti-SLAPP laws in protecting free speech.
02-22-2013 4:25 pm |
Legal News
Media Oxpecker: When Local Isn't Enough

Why national ad dollars won't be flowing into location-based mobile ads any time soon; why online publishers will have to look beyond advertising to generate revenue; and the murky ethics of native ads.
02-22-2013 2:00 pm |
Media Roundup
Folio Weekly Launches New Websitenew

Jacksonville's Folio Weekly has launched a revamped website complete with a new logo and new features to encourage reader engagement.
Folio Weekly |
02-21-2013 4:15 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Folio Weekly, Denise Reagan
Webinar: Putting a Face on Polling Data

Learn how to use publicly available research as a launching point for reporting that puts a face on poll findings, a powerful tool in telling memorable stories that go far beyond the numbers.
02-15-2013 2:38 pm |
Association News
Are Private Email Accounts Subject to Public Records Requests?new

The Santa Fe Reporter tests New Mexico's freedom of information law.
Columbia Journalism Review |
02-15-2013 3:00 pm |
Industry News
Media Oxpecker: The New Normals

Four newspaper revenue success stories; a controversy over affiliate links; and how not to respond when getting scooped by a sports website.
02-15-2013 1:30 pm |
Media Roundup
Dogged Reporter Dave Maass Leaves San Diego CityBeat, City Council Rejoices
San Diego City Council declares "Dave Maass Day" in honor of his journalism work and "endless Public Records Act Requests."
San Diego CityBeat |
02-15-2013 4:50 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Dave Maass
Legal Corner: Don't Wait Until March to Express Madness to the NCAA
Restrictions on access to events, places and individuals have increased, as have restrictions on your ability to publish what you see and learn.
02-14-2013 3:00 pm |
Legal News
Seven Days Video Series 'Stuck in Vermont' Celebrates 300th Episode

Over the past six years, Seven Days multimedia producer Eva Sollberger has created more than 30 hours of content with 2 million views.
Seven Days |
02-13-2013 4:30 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Tags: Seven Days, Eva Sollberger
NPR Turns to LEO Weekly Managing Editor for Bourbon Expertisenew

LEO Weekly managing editor/arts editor Sara Havens was interviewed for an All Things Considered segment on the watering down of Maker's Mark.
02-13-2013 5:20 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Tags: LEO Weekly, Sara Havens
Willamette Week Editor Urges Journalism Students to Rattle Cagesnew
At Arizona State's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, Willamette Week editor Mark Zusman shared wisdom gained in the trenches of alternative journalism.
Downtown Devil |
02-12-2013 1:26 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Mark Zusman
Legal Corner: AAN Tells Hawaii to 'Dream On' Before Passing 'Steven Tyler Act'
A proposed law in Hawaii would prevent a reporter from taking pictures of illegal, even dangerously illegal, activity in certain situations.
02-12-2013 2:45 pm |
Legal News
Miami New Times Considering MLB Request for Documentsnew

The documents were the centerpiece of a January 31 cover story by Tim Elfrink which indicate that several baseball stars have received performance-enhancing drugs from a Miami clinic.
New York Times |
02-09-2013 12:34 pm |
Industry News
The Media Oxpecker: Why Storytelling Still Matters

EveryBlock's failure to turn data into compelling stories; web media's oversupply problem; and the value (or lack thereof) of having your story aggregated.
02-08-2013 2:00 pm |
Media Roundup