AAN News

Dig Boston Reporter Takes on Both Left and Right in New eBook: I Killed Breitbart

Chris Faraone's recently released eBook, I Killed Breitbart, offers a robust and descriptive portrait of America's most loathsome creeps and ideologues. (FULL STORY)
Dig Boston  |  12-11-2013  1:00 pm  |  Press Releases

Media Oxpecker: You Won't Believe What These People Said About Snark, Viral Content, and Going Bi-Weekly

Media news you may have missed this week. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  12-06-2013  1:46 pm  |  Media Roundup

Willamette Week Raises $128,640 on 'Giving Tuesday'

Willamette Week's Give!Guide, now in its 10th year, aims to encourage the giving habit in readers under the age of 36. (FULL STORY)
Willamette Week  |  12-05-2013  3:02 pm  |  Industry News

Voice Media Group Selects Its Best Longreads of 2013new

VMG executive associate editor Andy Van De Voorde has selected fifteen of the best longform stories to appear in Voice Media Group papers this year.
Voice Media Group  |  12-05-2013  12:20 pm  |  Industry News

Folio Weekly Names Jeffrey Billman as Editornew

Outgoing editor Denise Reagan is heading to the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville.
Folio Weekly  |  12-03-2013  4:29 pm  |  Industry News

The Stranger Kicks Off 2013 Holiday Charity Challengenew

This year the paper has collaborated with Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and Pearl Jam to try and raise $100,000 for the Orion Center, a homeless youth shelter in Seattle.
The Stranger  |  12-03-2013  11:00 am  |  Industry News

New Haven, Hartford, Fairfield Advocates Merged with Entertainment Weekly

Tribune Co. subsidiary CT1 Media has merged its three Connecticut alt-weeklies — Hartford Advocate, New Haven Advocate, and Fairfield County Weekly — with the entertainment weekly previously published by the daily Hartford Courant. (FULL STORY)
New Mass Media  |  12-03-2013  11:30 am  |  Industry News

Tommy Russo "Making Waves" on Mauinew

Honolulu Civil Beat profiles Maui Time publisher Tommy Russo in a series dedicated to Hawaii residents "who aren't afraid to make waves" in the community.
Honolulu Civil Beat  |  12-03-2013  9:00 am  |  Industry News

2014 AAN Digital Conference, Jan. 23-25, San Francisco

AAN returns to the bay for its annual Digital Conference, January 23 - 25 at the Argonaut Hotel in San Francisco. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  12-01-2013  1:00 pm  |  Conference News

AAN Joins Media Protest of White House Photo Ban

AAN was one of 38 organizations and companies that sent a letter to the White House protesting the increasing lack of access to public events and activities. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  11-26-2013  11:00 am  |  Legal News

Four Alt-Weeklies Aim to Raise 4.7 Million for Non-Profits

Colorado Springs Independent, INDY Week, Monterey County Weekly, and Willamette Week have kicked off their annual "Give!" campaigns. (FULL STORY)
Give!  |  11-15-2013  11:45 am  |  Industry News

Monterey County Weekly Wins Release of Records in Priest Sex-Abuse Casenew

A judge has issued a preliminary decision that Monterey County Weekly can obtain documents and deposition transcripts in the case of Father Edward Fitz-Henry, a Catholic priest suspended amidst allegations he molested a teenage parishioner in Salinas, Calif. and may have abused other young boys decades ago.
Monterey County Weekly  |  11-13-2013  7:00 pm  |  Legal News
