AAN News

It's All Journalism: Behind the Scenes of the New York Times Innovation Report

An interview with Amy O'Leary, deputy editor of digital operations at The New York Times, and Tyson Evans, the Times' editor of newsroom strategy. (FULL STORY)
It's All Journalism  |  10-24-2014  10:30 am  |  It's All Journalism

East Bay Express to Readers: We're Doing Just Fine, Thank Younew

In a letter to readers, East Bay Express president Jay Youngdahl says "our publication is currently healthier than it has been for more than a decade."
East Bay Express  |  10-22-2014  3:30 pm  |  Industry News

YES! Weekly Names New Editornew

Veteran alt-weekly contributor Britt Chester was named editor of YES! Weekly this week.
YES! Weekly  |  10-21-2014  9:30 am  |  Industry News

Bay Guardian Staff Attempting to Purchase Newspapernew

Staffers with the now defunct San Francisco Bay Guardian are attempting to buy back the newspaper from the San Francisco Media Co.
SF Weekly  |  10-20-2014  1:00 pm  |  Industry News

It's All Journalism: Building Sustainability for Local News

An interview with Josh Stearns, director of journalism and sustainability at the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. (FULL STORY)
It's All Journalism  |  10-17-2014  12:50 pm  |  It's All Journalism

Providence Phoenix Publishes Farewell Issuenew

An avalanche of remembrances, tributes, tall tales, and trivia from the staff of the Providence Phoenix.
Providence Phoenix  |  10-16-2014  5:00 pm  |  Industry News

E.W. Scripps Co. Folds Metro Pulse in Knoxvillenew

Metro Pulse began publishing in 1991 and was acquired by Scripps subsidiary Knoxville News Sentinel Media Group in 2007.
Knoxville News Sentinel  |  10-15-2014  2:22 pm  |  Industry News

San Francisco Bay Guardian Shuts Down

The San Francisco Bay Guardian will publish its final issue this week. (FULL STORY)
SFBG  |  10-14-2014  2:26 pm  |  Industry News

AAN Signs 'Right to Report' Petition

Petition calls on the White House to respect journalists' right to gather and report the news in the digital age. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  10-10-2014  12:30 pm  |  Legal News

It's All Journalism: Promoting Diversity, Entrepreneurship and Making Podcasting More Visible

Umbreen Bhatti and Kaizar Campwala talk about diversity, entrepreneurship and podcasts at the 2014 Online News Association Conference in Chicago. (FULL STORY)
It's All Journalism  |  10-10-2014  11:22 am  |  It's All Journalism

Providence Phoenix To Cease Publication

Farewell issue to be distributed on October 16. (FULL STORY)
Providence Phoenix  |  10-09-2014  5:00 pm  |  Press Releases

It's All Journalism: So You Wanna Podcast?

It's All Journalism producers Megan Cloherty and Michael O'Connell give a presentation at the 2014 Online News Association Conference on how to podcast. (FULL STORY)
It's All Journalism  |  10-03-2014  11:00 am  |  It's All Journalism

Isthmus Taps Judith Davidoff to Succeed Dean Robbins as Editor

Robbins will take a position with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Continuing Studies. (FULL STORY)
Isthmus  |  09-26-2014  10:30 am  |  Press Releases

It's All Journalism: Getting Social with Jeff Jarvis and Mandy Jenkins

Social journalism is more than social media. (FULL STORY)
It's All Journalism  |  09-26-2014  10:00 am  |  It's All Journalism

AAN Leadership Conference Hotel Deadline Approaches

Reserve by Oct. 2 to receive the AAN group rate of $129/night at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  09-24-2014  3:30 pm  |  Conference News
