AAN News
Oklahoma Gazette Publisher Forms a New Parent Company
Bill Bleakley has published the Gazette since he founded it in 1979, and four years ago, he purchased OKCBusiness, a biweekly business newspaper. Now he has moved both of those publications, along with High Plains Events LLC, which organizes events for the papers and other groups, under the umbrella of Tierra Media Group. Bleakley will take the title of president of the new company. In a statement, he says the company does not plan to expand out of its current geographic area. "We don't consider ourselves a chain because everything we do relates to niches right here in Central Oklahoma," he says. "Oklahoma City is a very hot economy and we're positioned right in the middle of it with no intention of acquiring properties outside of this market." Bleakley serves on AAN's Board of Directors as the Organization/Bylaws Chair. In other Gazette news, the paper and High Plains Events have announced Oklahoma City's inaugural Halloween parade, Gazette's Ghouls Gone Wild, featuring a performance by the Flaming Lips (singer Wayne Coyne will be the parade's Grand Marshal). Filter magazine reports that the band is currently looking for 1,000 fans to take part in the March of a Thousand Flaming Skeletons at the parade. CORRECTION: We originally noted that the Halloween parade would include a performance by the Flaming Lips. That is incorrect -- the band will only be appearing and leading the skeleton march, not performing music.
Oklahoma Gazette Press Release |
10-10-2007 4:26 pm |
Press Releases
Oklahoma Gazette Cited for Reporting on Mental Illnessnew
Last week, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) gave the Oklahoma Gazette its Outstanding Media Award for contributions to the goals of NAMI Oklahoma. According to NAMI Oklahama member Jo Rogers, the alt-weekly "provides information for those of us interested in legislative issues which may involve mental health and associated funding."
Oklahoma Gazette |
04-23-2007 11:18 am |
Honors & Achievements
What Five Things Come to Mind When you Think of Oklahoma?

That was the question Oklahoma Gazette Editor Rob Collins recently asked editors on an AAN listserv in preparation for last week's cover story kicking off the paper's coverage of the state's centennial. Oklahoma! the musical came in first and the Dust Bowl placed third. See editors' complete responses by downloading this PDF document.
Oklahoma Gazette |
01-08-2007 5:26 pm |
Association News
Tags: Editorial, Oklahoma Gazette
Busted Prostitution Ring Placed Ads in Alt-Weeklynew
Nancy Geraldine Scott, an advertising client of AAN-member Oklahoma Gazette, has pleaded guilty to felony counts of pandering, maintaining a house of prostitution and encouraging a minor into prostitution, according to Oklahoma County Newspapers. When a local detective responded to one of Scott's ads, which also ran in a Southwestern Bell publication, he was put in touch with a 14-year-old offering sex for $220, according to court records.
The Sun |
12-18-2006 11:41 am |
Industry News
AAN Diversity Intern Enjoys "Refreshing" Break From MSM

Victoria Williams returns to her campus newspaper after a highly productive four-month stint at the Oklahoma Gazette, AAN News reports. Williams says she found the freedom to write more in-depth stories at the alt-weekly a much needed break from the strictures and pressures of the daily newsrooms she worked in during earlier internships. Among the highlights of Williams' work for the Oklahoma weekly was her feature on a joint project linking female craft artists in Kenya to Oklahoma merchants. Established in 2001, the AAN Diversity Internship program awards four annual grants of up to $2,500 to talented young journalists of color.
AAN News |
12-14-2006 6:42 pm |
Association News
Tags: Editorial, Oklahoma Gazette
Oklahoma Gazette Writer Wins Military Reporting Award
Oklahoma Gazette staff writer Ben Fenwick tied for first place in the Domestic Coverage (newspapers with a circulation less than 100,000) category of the Military Reporters and Editors 2006 Awards Contest, the paper announced today. Fenwick was recognized for two stories on the National Guard's role in the evacuation of New Orleans.
09-27-2006 1:55 pm |
Industry News
Chris Street and Shannon Cornman: Designing to Get Picked Up

To get a good cover, all you need is an old keyboard from the computer morgue, a Bible under a mechanic's spotlight, or an associate publisher willing to lie down and play dead. That's how Oklahoma Gazette art director Christopher Street and photographer Shannon Cornman came up with their award-winning cover designs. This is the 30th in a "How I Got That Story" series highlighting the AltWeekly Awards' first-place winners.
Victoria Markovitz |
12-22-2005 9:15 pm |
Association News
Oklahoma Gazette Turns 25new

During its 25 years, the Oklahoma Gazette has evolved "from a monthly preservation newsletter with a skeleton staff of volunteers to the third-largest newspaper in the state," Preston Jones writes. A timeline highlights some memorable events in the paper's history. Gazette reporters did award-winning coverage of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995, then attracted the attention of the national media and FBI after staff writer Phil Bacharach struck up a correspondence with convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh. This year, publisher Bill Bleakley led an effort to get a painting of singer Woody Guthrie hung in the State Capitol. Bleakley says the Gazette will continue its mission of being an independent voice that addresses all the issues of the day.
AltWeeklies.com |
10-14-2004 12:23 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Oklahoma Gazette
Oklahoma Gazette Launches First Complete Redesign in 23-year Existence
Oklahoma Gazette |
02-19-2003 2:12 pm |
Press Releases
Two Who Revealed Plagarism Fired, but Not Culpritnew
An editor at the Daily Oklahoman and another at AAN-member Oklahoma Gazette lose their jobs after revealing that the daily's weather writer was lifting material from the Internet without attribution, Jim Romenesko writes in Media News Extra! Gazette media columnist Carol Cole exposed the plagiarism after getting tipped by someone at the Oklahoman. She "says she was fired from the Gazette after an argument with her editor over the
editing of her column," Romenesko writes. And at the Oklahoman, "fired editor and reporter, Scott Cooper, denies he gave the item to
Cole, but he admits he told others he was the source" to make himself feel important. Meanwhile weather writer Gary England says he'll start crediting NASA and others when he uses their material in his stories.
Media News Extra! |
03-11-2002 9:23 am |
Industry News
Tags: Management, Oklahoma Gazette