AltWeeklies Wire

Happy New Year, Peggy Rebernew

I was a few days shy of 11 when in February 1970 a jury in my hometown of Lebanon, Pa., acquitted 27-year-old Art Root of the torture slaying of teenager Margaret Lynn "Peggy" Reber. Not long after that, Root moved away and the case has since been on ice. But no one, including me, ever forgot that time.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich  |  08-19-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Peggy Reber: Cold Casenew

A grand jury looks for a killer but only finds more villains in the 1968 Peggy Reber murder.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich and Martha Shaak  |  08-19-2009  |  Crime & Justice

A Small Town Revisits the Grisly Torture and Slaying Case of a Teenage Girlnew

Cliff Roland, who was chief of detectives with the Lebanon Police Department in 1968, believes Morris Purcell may have been involved in the Peggy Reber slaying. But if he was involved, Roland says, he wasn't the only one.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Martha Shaak and Kevin Uhrich  |  08-19-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Justice Is Curbed in the Peggy Reber Casenew

Will a conflict of interest keep a small town from reaching closure on a 40-year-old murder mystery?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich and Martha Shaak  |  12-17-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Was Peggy Reber Pregnant When She Was Murdered?new

Forty years after her death, Lebanon's DA exhumes the body of the slain 14-year-old.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich and Martha Shaak  |  05-07-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Forty Years After Her Murder, Peggy Reber May be Exhumednew

Authorities are considering exhuming the body of Margaret Lynn "Peggy" Reber, a teenager whose sadistic torture and murder nearly 40 years ago remains unsolved. However, the exhumation was just one of a number of recent dramatic twists in the more than two-year reinvestigation by local police.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich and Martha Shaak  |  04-11-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Justice for Peggy Rebernew

After nearly four decades, police may finally know who committed one of the most gruesome murders of its time.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Martha Shaak with Kevin Uhrich  |  06-14-2007  |  Crime & Justice

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