Why the SAVE Act is a BFD for Alt-Weeklies

may 15, 2014  12:00 pm
A few weeks ago we alerted you to HR 4225, the SAVE Act, which appears to put AAN members squarely in danger of prosecution for the criminal acts of others. You can read a summary of the SAVE Act and see how you can help defeat it here.

Unfortunately, the bill passed the House Judiciary Committee (albeit with slight amendments) and appears poised to be passed by the full House of Representatives sooner rather than later. The bill, as amended by and passed by the House Judiciary Committee, still appears to expose to liability (which can include jail time) anyone who carries an advertisement that can be connected to commercial sex trafficking.

The time to act is now. Please consider contacting your Representative and telling him or her to vote "NO" on HR 4225. You should also consider writing about this in your publications, explaining why this bill is a bad idea. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact me at 703-812-0462 or goldberg@fhhlaw.com. If you do write about this, please send me a copy, as I find these helpful when discussing key issues with Members of Congress.
Kevin Goldberg is AAN's Legal Counsel and a member of the law firm Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC.