Why Isn't the East Bay Express Part of the Chauncey Bailey Project?
By AAN Staff
october 24, 2007 11:48 am
A few weeks back,
we noted that the
San Francisco Bay Guardian had joined a number of Bay Area groups in the investigative project to continue the slain journalist's work. But there was one glaring omission from the list of participating organizations: The
East Bay Express, which five years ago investigated the group Bailey was writing about and whose
staffers suffered death threats because of it, was not included. "It's definitely odd that the one newspaper that owned the story of Your Black Muslim Bakery wasn't invited to participate in this project until after it was formally announced,"
Express editor Stephen Buel tells
SF Weekly. Buel says he'd heard that one of the news outlets in the Bailey Project had a beef with his paper, but that a project organizer recently assured him that it was not an intentional snub and invited the
Express to participate. The paper has declined the belated invitation, and will continue to pursue the story on its own.