We Media Fellowships Available

november 29, 2007  10:52 am
Here's Your Chance to Attend Big Whoopty-Doo New Media Conference for Free!

Thanks to the generosity of the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation, the Institute for the Connected Society (iFOCOS) is offering We Media Fellowships for independent, nonprofit or academic participants from any country to attend We Media 08, in Miami, February 26-28, 2008.

The fellowships cover the full registration fees for the conference, including conference meals and materials. Stipends for travel and/or lodging may be available.

The annual We Media conference has become a must-attend event for thinkers, leaders and innovators on the vanguard of digital communications. It’s a cross-sectoral celebration of how the Internet and other new communications avenues are evolving, and their impact on society. Participants have included:

  • Jason McCabe Calacanis, Founder of Weblogs, Inc.
  • Farai Chideya, NPR Journalist and Founder of Pop and Politics
  • Richard Edelman
  • Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States
  • Scott Heiferman, Founder of Meetup.com
  • Jeff Jarvis of BuzzMachine
  • Nick Kristof, Columnist for The New York Times
  • Markos Moulitsas, Founder of The Daily Kos
  • Craig Newmark, Founder of craigslist
  • Scott Rafer, CEO, MyBlogLog, Inc.
  • Howard Rheingold, Author of Smart Mobs
  • Richard Sambrook, Director of BBC Global News
  • Dave Sifry, Founder of Technorati
  • Lisa Stone, President, BlogHer
  • Watts Wacker, Futurist
  • John Zogby, President, Zogby International

...and many, many others.

To apply for a fellowship, send an e-mail to info AT ifocos.org, with:

I. "We Media Fellowship Application" in the subject line.

II. At the top of the email, your name, title, organizational affiliation and contact information, including mailing address and phone number.

III. A statement of no more than 500 words that includes:

  • What's your favorite digital tool or online communications service these days - and why?
  • What would you do with technology, communications and digital media services to make the world a better place for more people?
  • What do you hope to get out of attending We Media 08?

Applicants are solely responsible for acquiring the proper travel documents to enter the United States. iFOCOS does not provide support or assistance for travel visas and other immigration issues.

The deadline for fellowship applications is 12 noon Eastern Time (US - 5 GMT), Friday, December 21, 2007, with We Media Fellows announced in mid-January, 2008.

Find out more about the conference here: www.ifocos.org/we-media-miami-2008

Join the We Media Community here: my.wemediacommunity.org/