University of Oregon Offers Ethics Awards

january 28, 2004  10:45 am
Contact: Marilyn Milne

Eugene, Ore.—Jan. 28, 2004—Perhaps you know of a reporter who encountered an ethical dilemma in reporting a story—pressure not to report or pressure to report in a biased way—or an organization that declined an economically advantageous offer that would have violated journalistic standards. If so, the judges of the Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism should consider the situation for an ethics award.

The Payne Awards for Ethics in Journalism are offered by the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication to honor journalists and media organizations that face political or economic pressure. The program, established in 1999, honors journalism that builds public trust. Past winners include the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Jay Harris, Paul DeMain, KOMU-TV8 (Mo.), Native Voice Communications, The Union Democrat (Sonora, Calif.) and Voice of America.

The deadline for entry is Feb. 27, 2004, for situations encountered in 2003. The nomination process is simple: your contact information, a cover letter explaining why the person or media outlet deserves consideration, and copies of material. Remember, you can also nominate decisions not to publish or broadcast!

If time is the barrier to entering a nomination, a program coordinator is available to assist you. Please contact Marilyn Milne, or 1-888-644-7989, if you have questions about the program. Or visit our website,, where you'll also find the entry form.