Second Annual Cartoon Contest Announced
Entries solicited in two categories
By AAN Staff
january 25, 2002 10:27 am
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies announces its second Alternative Newspaper Cartoon Contest.
All cartoons that were regularly published in an AAN paper during calendar year 2001 are eligible. Only stand-alone cartoons -- not illustrations accompanying an article -- are eligible.
Entries may be submitted by cartoonists or by AAN editors on behalf of cartoonists whose work appears in their papers.
The deadline for entries to be received in the AAN national office is Feb. 28, 2002.
This year the contest will have two separate divisions -- one for cartoons that were published in fewer than five AAN papers, and another for cartoons that were published in five or more AAN papers. Winning entries will be selected in each division.
Last year Chris Ware won for his Jimmy Corrigan/Rusty Brown strips.
For a copy of the contest rules,
click here.