San Diego CityBeat Writer Releases e-Book of Short Stories

december 27, 2010  05:14 pm
San Diego CityBeat Writer Releases e-Book of Short Stories
Those of you who scored an Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift certificate over the weekend will want to check out Kuro Crow, a small collection of short stories by San Diego CityBeat staff writer (and former Santa Fe Reporter staffer) Dave Maass.

The e-book contains three stories that were "inspired by [Maass'] observations of Tokyo at the turn of the 21st Century" and was published by Boxfire Press, an electronic publishing house started by former CityBeat freelancer Justin McLachlan.

Priced at $.99, the Kindle version of Kuro Crow is available for download on Amazon, the iPad version is available at iTunes, and the Nook version is at Barnes & Noble.