Restaurant Franchise Removes Alt-Weekly from Stores ... for a Moment

august 8, 2007  08:56 am
Restaurant Franchise Removes Alt-Weekly from Stores ... for a Moment
In June, North Carolina's Independent Weekly released an issue featuring a transgendered individual on the cover, which ultimately caused the paper to be pulled from some Raleigh-Durham area Mellow Mushroom pizza restaurants. "The picture on the front cover ... was eye level of children in our waiting area," the local franchise owner explained to the Bull City Rising blog. "We have carried the Indy for so long I forgot it was there until a soccer mom complained about it. After a few more comments/complaints we removed them." Local bloggers publicized the decision and blog commenters vowed to boycott the restaurant and placed calls to the owner, and eventually the Mellow Mushrooms reversed course. "I absolutely regret the decision to remove the Indy from the restaurants," he wrote in a comment on Bull City Rising yesterday. "On Monday I was in contact with the Indy to bring it back to our stores. They want to bring it back as well and it will be there any day. The last thing we intended to do was discriminate against anyone."