North Coast Journal Editor Resigns

february 7, 2011  01:13 pm
Hank Sims, who was replaced as editor of North Coast Journal just over a week ago, has resigned.

The Humboldt County, Calif. publication recently brought in San Francisco Chronicle reporter Tom Abate as editor, relegating Sims to web editor, a move that publisher Judy Hodgson declined to call a demotion in a radio interview.

Hodgson sent the following statement today:
Hank Sims resigned Friday after more than seven years as a staff writer, editor and web software engineer for the North Coast Journal. He asked that no public announcement be made. We respect his wishes and regret his loss to the Journal family and readers.

NCJ freelancer Jennifer Savage writes:
The guy has class. I continue to be blown away by how well he keeps his cool, is able to talk down even the most rabid of complainers without losing his temper or his sincerity. I’m sure his standards will remain top shelf regardless of what role he takes next. I know those of us with the good fortune to inhabit the same space will continue to come away better for it.

Sims was also a member of AAN's editorial committee.